Machine learning development

AI projects and big data analysis


Adding machine learning models and neural networks to projects for any business

  • Designing systems with machine learning algorithms from scratch
  • Adding a “smart” part into an existing system
  • Data analysis and problem solving

We focus on

  • 1
    CV / computer vision
  • 2
    NLP / text processing
  • 3
    Forecasting events, prices and key figures
  • 4
    Big data analysis
  • 5
    ML model refinement and integration into existing systems and devices
  • 6
    R&D projects

Tell us about your task

Technology stack

Languages and frameworks

  • Python
  • PyTorch
  • Tensorflow / Keras

Libraries and interfaces

  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • Scikit Learn
  • Sktime
  • OpenCV
  • Matplotlib
  • Plotly
  • Seaborn


  • Hourly rate

    Suitable for

    • Development of complex systems and R&D projects


    • We fix the desired result and developers' rates, but not the deadlines
  • Fixed cost

    Suitable for

    • Small and predictable projects


    • We fix the terms, cost, and scope of work

Cooperation types

  • Outstaffing

    We allocate an employee or a development team. You set tasks and track progress by yourself.
  • Outsourcing

    We put together a team for your project. We work together on the scope definition and move towards your goals.

Still got questions? Fill in the form. Our manager will contact you to clarify the details of your project

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So we could contact you
Ask questions, tell about yourself and the tasks you need to handle